Within business, many people let their fears prevent them from getting the results they want. People are often put off by things such as public speaking, networking, and making significant changes to their business that could potentially gain them positive results. Often their fears are founded on the fear of the unknown; people are unlikely to make changes for fear of it ending badly, and for the failure to become their fault.


In short, they are chickening out of doing what they know they should be doing.


Here are four steps to breaking through your business fears.


Take a no excuses approach. To achieve success, you must be willing to do what other businesses won’t. By not making excuses, you will have access to more opportunities.


Feel scared, but do it anyway. Having a willingness to act in spite of fear will show you that nothing is as bad as it seems, and that success comes from this willingness.


Go beyond your comfort zone. By feeling uncomfortable for a short period of time, you could be opening your business up to long term success. This could come from speaking to people you have never met, taking opportunities you want, and being open to the possibility of new things.


Take Decisive Action. Instead of waiting for something to happen to your business, take action and accept responsibility for your own actions and choices. Do not doubt yourself, just say yes to any opportunity that seems right for you.


The Results Centre work with people like you who want to achieve AMAZING results in their lives and don’t allow fear to get in their way.


To get further coaching on how to develop your business, and confront your business fears, contact The Results Centre for information on our programmes, consultations, and coaching sessions. Telephone us on 01858 414240 or email alan@alandenton.co.uk.