You’ve got the Job – how about a Plan for the First 120 Days?

The Ten Stage Plan to Deliver Amazing Personal and Business Results in the First 120 Days in a new role. Assuming you’ve got the job, have accepted the offer and are ready to launch yourself into this new role, probably in a new business – what should you be...

Transition and Onboarding – ask yourself 3 Questions …

A Heidrick & Struggles study of 20,000 executives found that 40% of those hired at senior level left 18 months later. If the first 120 days in a new role determines long-term performance, what makes them successful? Understanding what positively impacts the first...

How Effective is Executive Coaching?

I often get asked, ‘Does executive coaching really work?’ Research carried out over a number of years and in different contexts suggests that it does. The research covers a lot of common ground when discussing the benefits and results of coaching, albeit to varying...

Adding Charisma to a Leader!

Not all leaders are charismatic but a great leader needs to have a powerful presence and having charisma certainly helps. Alan Denton is a business coach, working with executives in all fields to help them find their inner leader; here are his tips to become a more...