by Alan Denton | Career Transition, Coaching, Cultivating Talent, Uncategorized
With all the uncertainty around the economic direction of the UK, the qualities of great leadership have never been more valued. It seems (certainly as far as political parties are concerned), that it’s a quality currently in short supply. Recently, I watched...
by Alan Denton | Coaching, Cultivating Talent, Director Development, Dynamic Leadership, Education, Financial Services, Legal, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Recruitment, Uncategorized, Wealth Management
I get asked this question daily. Leadership is open to widely different interpretations and full of confusing ideas and terminology. The descriptions, definitions and examples of leadership vary enormously. We lead when we are first given a supervisory role at work, a...
by Alan Denton | Coaching, Cultivating Talent, Director Development, Dynamic Leadership, Inspiring Engagement, Uncategorized
Why Employee Engagement matters! To echo the iconic question posed by Shakespeare’s tragic figure Hamlet – Are our strategies, policies and people development enhancing the engagement of our employees and why we should care if they are not? On a recent trip to a...
by Alan Denton | Career Transition, Coaching, Cultivating Talent, Director Development, Dynamic Leadership
Neil Shaw has worked with The Results Centre in two different roles with two global companies. He is currently European General Manager at Milliken & Company and still partners with Alan Denton, because “The Results Centre is unique in its approach, targeted...
by Alan Denton | Career Transition, Coaching, Cultivating Talent, Director Development, Financial Services, Inspiring Engagement, Legal, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Recruitment, Uncategorized, Wealth Management
A Heidrick & Struggles study of 20,000 executives found that 40% of those hired at senior level left 18 months later. If the first 101 days in a new role determines long-term performance, what makes them successful? Understanding what positively impacts the first...
by Alan Denton | Coaching, Cultivating Talent, Director Development, Uncategorized
Ever wondered what Executive Coaching might do for your business. Could it solve some of your most vexing problems? Well, FORTUNE Magazine stated: “When asked for a conservative estimate of monetary payoff from the coaching they got… managers described an...